How to get to Brno city during the Czech MotoGP


The Czech Republic is one of the main transit points in Europe. All roads lead to MotoGP Brno!


Use our route calculator to find out the route leading directly to the Brno Circuit and follow the route description to reach the Czech GP in the fastest way!

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Do you travel to the Czech GP by car or do you prefer the train? See our guide on how to get to Brno by car, bus, train or plane, and find all information about the lines, departures, time schedules and tickets to MotoGP Brno. 


The easiest and the less expensive would be to take the bus straight from the airport. For more information please click here.

Yes, there is an airport called Airport Brno-Tuřany. More information about the airport as well as air tickets can be found here.

To see the distance, please use our calculator here.

For more detailed information about parking please click here.

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